• Description

Hand Held Stock Control

Hand-held stock control device is small and mighty. Replace those paper print-outs and time-hungry shelf-checks with Touch Stock. It delivers flexibility, ease of use speed.

Stay ahead of the game when you need to order new stock. Scan a barcode and tap in how many items you need. When the job's done, simply sync the system with Touch Office and you'll automatically create an order. It's a smarter way to work.

When your order arrives Touch Stock gives you the power to accurately and reliably check deliveries. After you've waved goodbye to the truck driver, head back for an easy way to add the data to your stock list.

Touch Stock will check that the price on the shelf is also the price you're charging at the till. Simply scan a barcode to flag up any inconsistencies with your pricing.

As an added bonus you can sync Touch Stock with Touch Office to easily generate a new shelf-edge label. No writing required and every thing is back on track.

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